Boldly displayed on a dry-erase board in Room 46 at the Vermont Statehouse, the meeting room for the House Human Services Committee, is a short list of principles the Committee has established to guide them as they consider legislation that affects Vermonters. The very first goal listed is: “Ensuring that vulnerable (Vermonters) are safe […]
Archive for the ‘Classism and Assisted Suicide’ Category
Some Legislators Taking a “Hear-no-evil” Stance on Act 39
Posted in Brittany Maynard, Classism and Assisted Suicide, Compassion and Choices, Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Contagion, Selling of Suicide, Suicide Contagion on April 18, 2015 | Comments Off
Great Op-Ed in The Valley Reporter (VT): The Systemic Injustice of Assisted Suicide
Posted in Classism and Assisted Suicide, Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Contagion on April 16, 2015 | Comments Off
This is a great piece published in today’s edition of Valley Reporter, written by a brilliant young woman of Brittany Maynard’s generation, a graduate student in disability studies at the University of New Hampshire and a person with a disability. Here is her picture. True Dignity believes the article is important for its analysis of […]
Vermont’s New Eugenics Movement
Posted in Choice Becomes "Duty" to Die, Classism and Assisted Suicide, Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Selfishness of Proponents, Slippery Slope, Vermont on March 14, 2015 | Comments Off
Many Vermonters would be stunned to learn that some eighty years ago, our legislature passed a law enabling the sterilization of Vermonters who had been determined to be “undesirables,” people from targeted groups that included Abenakis and French Canadian immigrants. The 1931 sterilization law was designed to reduce the number of people seen as placing […]
Privilege vs. Disability in the Assisted Suicide Debate
Posted in Agism, Classism and Assisted Suicide, Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Disability Rights Groups' Opposition, Other states, Uncategorized on January 27, 2015 | Comments Off
Several years ago, Patient Choices, the group that, with lots of money from Compassion and Choices and the support of Governor Peter Shumlin, later succeeded in getting assisted suicide made legal in Vermont, brought George Eighmey, veteran C&C activist and “support volunteer” at the bedsides of people committing assisted suicide, , to speak in Manchester, […]
Brittany Maynard Didn’t Speak for “the Millenials”
Posted in Classism and Assisted Suicide, Disability Rights Groups' Opposition, Racism and Assisted Suicide on November 21, 2014 | Comments Off
During the Brittany Maynard publicity explosion, bioethicist Arthur Caplan wrote that young people, identifying with Maynard, would come out in droves to push the legalization of assisted suicide. There is, however, a cohort of young people reacting to the Maynard videos in exactly the opposite way, by expressing their strong opposition. Meghan Schrader, a thirty-two […]