The Vermont Senate Health and Welfare Committee heard testimony on Wednesday on Act 39. The two questions being examined: “Is Act 39 working?” and “Should the sunset provisions in Act 39 be repealed?” Testimony was heard from a dozen people, nearly all of whom acknowledged that there are problems with the law, including the lack […]
Archive for the ‘Personal Stories’ Category
Our Tax Dollars at Work: Prettifying Suicide and Ignoring the Vulnerable
Posted in Choice Becomes "Duty" to Die, Chronic Diseases Rendered Terminal by Non-treatment, Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Disability Rights Groups' Opposition, Expansion of Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia, Language manipulation, Medical Opinions, Oregon, Personal Stories, Reasons to Oppose, Selfishness of Proponents, Selling of Suicide, Suicide Increase, Uncategorized, Vermont Legislature on February 20, 2015 | Comments Off
Thirty-Two Year Old Terminally Ill Cancer Patient, Once Suicidal Himself, Dedicates His Last Days to Suicide Prevention
Posted in Compassion and Choices, Healthy people helped to commit suicide, Personal Stories, Suicide Contagion, Suicide Increase on October 10, 2014 | Comments Off
On the heels of seemingly relentless media hype over a propaganda piece circulating from the pro-assisted-suicide group Compassion and Choices (formerly the Hemlock Society), USA Today has published a story about the rise in suicides in the United States and the appalling lack of a unified effort to stop it. We objected strongly to the […]
Legal Assisted Suicide Threatens Pharmacists as well as Physicians
Posted in Personal Stories, Pharmacists, True Dignity, Videos on October 18, 2012 | Comments Off
A pharmacist friend of ours tells us that he once filled a prescription that was used to commit suicide, though it was prescribed for another purpose. He says he continues to be haunted by the fact that he provided the means for another person’s death. This story illustrates two facts. The first is that it […]
Don’t Wait for “Choice” to Become “Duty” to Die
Posted in Palliative Care, Personal Stories on February 3, 2012 | Comments Off
By Carrie Handy February 1, 2012 A story in the news last month described a mentally retarded child who was determined ineligible for a kidney transplant by Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, allegedly because her quality of life was deemed by doctors to be not good enough to justify the procedure. The case garnered a public […]

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Hospice Does Not Equal Good Pain Relief (And Other Thoughts)
Posted in Commentary, Palliative Care, Personal Stories, True Dignity on January 14, 2013 | Comments Off
On Friday, January 11, 2013, the New York Times ran a wonderful story about a nurse who spent the last weeks of her life teaching student nurses about dying, answering their questions and letting them both observe and care for her until nine days before she died of pancreatic cancer. The article, which can be […]
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